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Empower Your Vote.

Vote on the same legislation as your representatives and sway them to your side.

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Sway is a platform you can use to engage with democracy in the 21st century with just the click of a button.

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Vote on the same legislation as your local council and Congressional representatives.


Send emails and postcards, and call your representatives, all in one place.


Sway scores how you vote compared to your representatives so you can hold your representatives accountable in the next election.


Post your votes to social media and influence people who follow you.

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Bill of the Week

Sway only notifies you about one piece of legislation each week.

  • Focus on the legislation that matters most.
  • Cut through the noise and impact your representatives in meaningful ways.
  • Don't get overwhelmed by legislation with little impact.

Click here for more information about how Sway selects the Bill of the Week.


Sway doesn't serve every city, but it can. If you don't see your municipality in Sway already you can work with us to add it.

As of August, 2012, the US Census Bureau counted 89,004 local governments in the United States. That is almost 90,000 governments that need to be held accountable to their voters.

Sway is open to changes. If you want to hold your local government accountable, open a request to add your municipality on Github


Political choices can carry a lot of tension. Sway knows this and works to make Sway as private as possible.

  • Your data is your data, it is not and will not be sold to anyone.
  • See the number of people who voted, not their names.
  • Influence your representatives without revealing your identity.

Sway works with you to both maximize your privacy and power.

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